No returns or exchanges on items with color discrepancies. Due to the contrast of different computer screens, we do not guarantee the color of the picture of our fabrics will be the same as in real life. If you are unsure that the color of the fabric is what you need to move forward in your project please Contact Us or order Swatches.
No claims on used goods. All claims for discrepancies and damages must be made within one week of receipt of the order. We believe in the quality of our products, and we stand behind it every step of the way. To this end, we will accommodate any reasonable request, but please keep in mind that we will not be able to accept any items that have been cut for exchange. All returns must be accompanied with a copy of the original invoice.
All refused shipments will result in a 15% restocking or reshipping charge plus freight costs incurred. Charges will be added to reshipments or future orders.